True. Graduation day! College is finally over. Time to say good bye to my school,to my professors, to my schoolmates and to my blockmates. A very sad moment for me but at the same time I'm happy. Moreover,I'm sad for the reason that I won't see my friends almost everyday. I will miss their company, their laughter, their stories and the way they make me feel I belong. From the first day of my college life until the end, I never felt I'm alone when I'm with them. The moment I became close to them was one of the blessings that I thank the Lord. How God always made me smile whenever I'm with them. He open new doors for me. I never regret the experiences and the moments I encountered in my four years in college. It help me to be a better, stronger and matured one. I'm not perfect, I made mistakes and I may hurt someone. I'm sorry for whatever it is. I will make sure this time, I'll surely make it right.
College taught me a lot of things. I learned to explore the world and be an exciting person. I went out to my comfort zone. I became more adventures compared before. I met new cool astonishing people and I became close to the persons I taught I can't have a conversation with. I learned to travel to some faraway places. I started to enjoy life at its best. My hard work have paid of. Now I'm officially a degree holder at the age of nineteen. Until now, I'm still in disbelief. Everyday I woke up, I'm always telling to myself that I graduated last March 19, 2010, just to help me to sink into my mind.
College taught me a lot of things. I learned to explore the world and be an exciting person. I went out to my comfort zone. I became more adventures compared before. I met new cool astonishing people and I became close to the persons I taught I can't have a conversation with. I learned to travel to some faraway places. I started to enjoy life at its best. My hard work have paid of. Now I'm officially a degree holder at the age of nineteen. Until now, I'm still in disbelief. Everyday I woke up, I'm always telling to myself that I graduated last March 19, 2010, just to help me to sink into my mind.
(tere, ninay, me, aimee, jona)
I'm happy and proud for my job well done. I finished it on time without failing any of my subjects. College is over. Life goes on. Time to start building the dreams. The dreams I have for my family and myself. I'm thankful for my mom without her I can't graduate. She supported my tuition fees without any financial help from anyone. (loveLOVElove) Of Course, a big thanks to my BOYS, they help me to be sane on the craziest time line of my life. To my friends and family,who are there to support me and listen to my non-sense rants. To my blockmates, who are the best blockmates ever ever. One for all, all for one. To JPCS officers, even though it was really chaos and all, they remained understanding.haha To my professors, who I learned a lot from them, they made a good job. They help me realize things I ignored before. To my university, even though guys are instinct and girls are dominant, it's been a cool place to hang out. You are all great. THANK YOU ALL.(clarys, me ,mama)
My life is just starting...